Alternate format: Cyber security at home and in the office: Secure your devices, computers, and networks (ITSAP.00.007) (PDF, 367 KB)
With the increase in remote work, we rely on numerous devices and our ability to connect to the Internet for work and personal reasons. However, cyber threat actors take advantage of our reliance on technology. Protect yourself by taking stock of all the technology you use, including your mobile and smart devices, computers, and Wi‑Fi networks. By knowing what you have, you can prioritize your security efforts and put the right safeguards in place. Not sure where to start? The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Cyber Centre) has advice and guidance products for you, and we have curated a selection of these products below.
Mobile and smart devices
Our devices are our lifelines for pretty much everything. We use them from the moment we wake up until we get into bed. Our home appliances, watches and even our home thermostats and security systems are connected to the Internet. With so much reliance on our phones, it’s no wonder that threat actors look to them as primary targets to acquire personal information to commit crimes like identity theft. Fortunately, you can prevent threat actor attempts by taking some simple steps to enhance your security.
In a world where seemingly everything contains or can be operated by a smart device, how do you know you’re keeping your personal information personal? Threat actors are able to crack these devices because they are plentiful, they are connected to the Internet, and often times, they are not as secure as they could be. Some of your devices do not have the same computing power as a desktop or laptop, and therefore are more vulnerable to threat actors. Getting familiar with your privacy settings on your devices, ensuring you use unique and complex passphrases or passwords, and using multi-factor authentication on your accounts are steps you can take to defend against potential cyberattacks.

Tips for using your devices
- Using Your Mobile Device Securely (ITSAP.00.001)
- Mobile Devices and Business Travellers (ITSAP.00.087)
- Security Considerations for Mobile Device Deployments (ITSAP.70.002)
- Internet of Things (IoT) Security (ITSAP.00.012)
- How is Your Smart Device Listening to You? (ITSAP.70.013)
- Using Bluetooth Technology (ITSAP.00.011)
- Security Tips for Peripheral Devices (ITSAP.70.015)
- Instant Messaging (ITSAP.00.266)
- Obsolete Products (ITSAP.00.095)
- Sanitization and Disposal of Electronic Devices (ITSAP.40.006)
Tips for securing your devices
- Preventative Security Tools (ITSAP.00.058)
- How Updates Secure Your Device (ITSAP.10.096)
- Secure Your Accounts and Devices with Multi-Factor Authentication (ITSAP.30.030)
- Best Practices for Passphrases and Passwords (ITSAP.30.032)
- Rethink Your Password Habits to Protect Your Accounts from Hackers (ITSAP.30.036)
- Password Managers Security (ITSAP.30.025)
- Have You Been Hacked? (ITSAP.00.015)
- Security Tips for Organizations with Remote Workers (ITSAP.10.016)
- Wi-fi Security (ITSP.80.002)
We need our laptops and PCs to complete functions that our smart devices do not perform as well. To keep your devices functioning properly and avoid compromising your information, ensure you have implemented security measures to keep them and the information they hold safe from cyber threats.

Tips for spotting a cyber threat
- Protect Your Organization From Malware (ITSAP.00.057)
- Ransomware: How to Prevent and Recover (ITSAP.00.099)
- Spotting Malicious Email Messages (ITSAP.00.100)
- Don't Take the Bait: Recognize and Avoid Phishing Attacks (ITSAP.00.101)
- What is Voice Phishing (Vishing)? (ITSAP.00.102)
- How to Protect Your Organization From Malicious Macros (ITSAP.00.200)
- Protective Domain Name System (ITSAP.40.019)
- Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft Online (ITSAP.00.033)
- Defending Against Data Exfiltration Threats (ITSM.40.110)
- Social Engineering (ITSAP.00.166)
Tips for working securely
- Using Virtual Desktop At-Home and In-Office (ITSAP.70.111)
- Video Teleconferencing (ITSAP.10.216)
- Security Considerations When Using Open Source Software (ITSAP.10.059)
- Mobile Device Guidance for High Profile Travellers (ITSAP.00.088)
- Device Security for Travel and Telework Abroad (ITSAP.00.188)
- Protecting High-Value Information: Tips for Small and Medium Organizations (ITSAP.40.001)
- Common Employee IT Security Challenges (ITSAP.00.005)
- Tips for Backing Up Your Information (ITSAP.40.002)
- Security Tips for Peripheral Devices (ITSAP.70.015)
Network devices, like routers and modems, are the bread and butter of your Internet access and device use. It’s easy to forget about the devices are the gatekeepers to our connected devices, and they need to be secured.

Tips for securing your network
- Cyber Security Tips for Remote Workers (ITSAP.10.116)
- Routers Cyber Security Best Practices (ITSAP.80.019)
- Using Encryption to Keep Your Sensitive Data Secure (ITSAP.40.016)
- Protecting Your Organization Against Denial of Service Attacks (ITSAP.80.100)
- Protecting Your Organization While Using Wi-Fi (ITSAP.80.009)
- `Cyber Centre Data Centre Virtualization Report: Best Practices for Data Centre Virtualization (ITSP.70.010)
Tips for using cloud-based services
- What is Cloud Computing (ITSAP.50.110)
- Benefits and Risks of Adopting Cloud-Based Services in Your Organization (ITSE.50.060)
- Models of Cloud Computing (ITSAP.50.111)
- Cloud Security Risk Management (ITSM.50.062)
- Guidance on Defence in Depth for Cloud-Based Services (ITSP.50.104)
- Guidance on Cloud Security Assessment and Authorization (ITSP.50.105)
- Zero Trust Security Model (ITSAP.10.008)
- Data Transfer and Upload Protection (ITSAP.40.212)