This course was developed in collaboration with Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada.
Efforts to safeguard Canada’s sensitive research includes an understanding of what cyber security measures should be put in place and followed by frontline researchers and academic administrators. This course will provide participants with an overview of the cyber threat environment, offer advice on good cyber hygiene practices, and provide cyber security related resources currently available to frontline researchers and academic administrators. The course will help empower and equip participants with basic cyber security knowledge, enabling them to make informed decisions about potential cyber security related issues. It will also help those involved in research recognize the systems and practices that must be in place to ensure the safe handling, storing, and transmitting of sensitive research and results.
The objectives of this course are to ensure that upon successful completion, you will be able to:
- Define terms related to cyber security.
- Recognize the risks and consequences that cyber threats can pose to you and your research.
- Recognize who is trying to access your research.
- Identify the motivations, activities, and methods of cyber threat actors.
- List the correct questions to ask when assessing your cyber risk.
- Identify actions to improve your cyber security preparedness and protection.
Course outline
- Module 1 - What is Cyber Security?
- Module 2 - Why does Cyber Security matter to me?
- Module 3 - Who is targeting my research?
- Module 4 - How can I prevent Cyber Threats to my research?
Target audience
The target audience is frontline researchers and academic administrators
It is recommended that you attend the 620 – Introduction to research security prior to taking this course.